Many Thanks to Lou Ann Lunsford for being kind enough to share these newspaper articles with us here in Arkansas


Copied from a Special Edition of "THE MERRY GREEN PRESS"

Article: LETTER TO THE TROOPS OF THE VII ARMY CORPS by F. Steele, Major-General Commanding

To you, the troops of the Seventh Army Corps, who participated in the recent campaign designed to co-operate with General Banks' movement against Shreveport, the major-general commanding tenders his earnest and grateful thanks. Although you were compelled to fall back without seeing the main object of the expedition accomplished, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have beaten the enemy wherever he had met you in force, and extricated yourselves from the perilous position in which you were placed by the reverses of the co-operating column. This let loose upon you a superior force of the enemy, under one of their best generals, causing the loss of your trains, a total interruption of you communications, and rendering it impossible for you to obtain supplies. You have met the enemy, and this you have done successfully, punishing the enemy severely at the same time. The patience with which you have endured hardships and privations, and your heroic conduct on the battlefield, have been brought to the notice of the Government, and will furnish a page in the history of this war of which you may well be proud.
F. Steele,
Major-General, Commanding

Article: Untitled

Yes, give me a land that hath legends and lays
That tell of the memories of long-vanished days;
Yes, give me a land that hath story and song!
Enshrine the strife of the right and the wrong!
Yes, give me a land with grave in each spot,
And the names in the grave that shall not be forgot.


Wandering in the Garden of Memory, where the Bonny Blue Flag waves overhead; whence we catch echoes of voices now stilled, and gleams of glory from the stainless swords of the bravest men the world ever knew, we have plucked, here and there, roses red as the blood of our heroes; and palm branches sturdy and strong as the hearts of the wives and mothers who, in their lonely homes, worked and watched and prayed. Precious little pansies, too, like the faces of the children who said good-bye to the dear father, and watched in vain for his return. These, and many other blossoms, we have bound together, with a background of laurel and re-the glory and grief of those by-gone days--and we now leave the garland in your keeping.


Southrons, hear your country call you!
Up, lest worse than death befall you!
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!
Lo! All the beacon fires are lighted,
Let all hearts be now united!
To arms! To arms! To arms! In Dixie!

Advance the flag of Dixie!
Hurrah! Hurrah! For Dixie's Land we take our stand,
And live or die for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!
To arms! To arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie!

The school at the ford on Francois Creek north of Cross Roads in Hot Spring County is closed. Liberty School and Big Creek School in this township are also closed and will reopen as conditions improve.
W. E. Beavers reports that the road from Cherry Grove to Turin and Pratt's Ferry is currently free of Federal patrols.
Try celebrated Golden Bitters, an unequaled remedy for Dyspepsia, Heartburn and General Debility. Manufactured by George C. Hubbel and Company, Hudson, N.Y.
Berry's Tricopherous for preserving and restory har. Sold by Reuter-Barry, Inc. N.Y.
Batley's Cinchona Liquor for fevers.
You can count on Drake's Plantation Bitters. they purify-strengthen, and invigorate the system and enliven the mind. They make the weak man strong. Sold by all grocers, druggists, hotels, and saloons in Arkansas.
The old reliable, Duffy's Malt Whiskey, cures Consumption.
For Sale: Dr. C.V. Girard's Ginger Brandy. A cure of Cholera, Colic, Dysentary, Chills and Fevers. Try a sample at your local drugstore.
Good health, you owe it to your children. For their sake, use Dr. Hand's Children's Remedies. Colic cure, Croup, and Coungh Medicine, Diarrhea mixture, General Tonic, Pleasant Physic, Teething location and Worm Elixir. Sold by the Hand Medicine Company.
Dr. Henley's Celebrated Wild Grape Root Bitters cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Sold by Celery Beef, and Iron Extract Co., San Francisco, California.
Your life is valuable! Not only to yourselves, but to your fathers and mothers, sisters, wives, and brothers. Then while you may, purchase your health for 50 cents. Professor Holloway's Pills, a world-known and world-tried remedy for Diarrhea. A product endorsed by the arm of occupation.
Here are four remedies which no family should ever be without: Baker's Rheumatic Balm, Fever Cooler, Cough Mixture, and Croup Alleviator. One dollar per bottle each and sold by mail on request.
On the home front try Hull's Medicated Worm Lozenges. For dogs and children.
We have Hyatt's Life Balsam for sale. Cures Scrofula and Rheumatism. See Dr. Harrison of New Prospect District for your needs.
For purifying the blood, there is no better tonic than Langley's Root and Herb Bitters.
A Certain Cure! Rev. R. L. McElree's Wine of Cardui, Chattanooga, Tennessee, a proven remedy for female weakness.
Cure the scourges of a soldier's life! Dr. D. Evans Medicated Flannel Abdominal Supporter should be worn by all exposed to malarious diseases. Sizes small to large, 75 cents to two dollars. General agent located in Little Rock, Arkansas.

It is rumored that the next session of the Confederate Geneal Assembly to meet in Washington, Arkansas, may prove to be ineffective due to the condition of the war at this time. It is thought that this session may be the last political activity here since Governor Murphy has already appealed for reconciliation.

Confederate Governor Harris Flanagin has made plans to negotiate with Federal officials in Little Rock in order to preserve the peace in our villages as soldiers return to their homes.

We speculate that upon return to Little Rock, General Steele's troops will be ordered east of the Mississippi to assist Sherman in his march across Georgia to the sea. We also believe that Federal garrisons will remain on the line of the Arkansas for some time.

Grant County Museum in Sheridan, Arkansas printed in observance of the 125th Anniversary of the Civil War Battle of Jenkins' Ferry that was fought April 29-30th, 1864 in what was then Hot Springs and Saline County Territory...later incorporated into Grant County in 1869.

The above information may be used for non-commercial historical and genealogical purposes only and with the consent of the page owner may be copied for the same purposes so long as this notice remains a part of the copied material. EDWARD G. GERDES

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